The Importance of profound UAT Management
UAT management is a competence that PROLOGIS has provided to its airline customers for many years now. Over the last decade, we have executed many successful UAT projects and would like to point out the importance of profound UAT management.
In short, UAT management is the process of managing the testing of functionalities after a new software or system migration has been implemented. It ensures the readiness of comprehensive aviation IT systems. UAT management therefore plays a vital role in any migration project and the workload of a UAT manager is not to be underestimated.
Blockchain – The Next Big Thing?
We are taking a look at the Blockchain technology – it’s the new buzzword we hear about in the news every day. But what it is about and what does it mean for the aviation and of course tourism industry in general?
Bitcoin is one famous example of how the Blockchain technology is used. Other possibilities to use the Blockchain are still in development. Just imagine you drive to the airport, board the aircraft, arrive at the destination and go directly to your hotel room without standing in line one single time. Blockchain could make this – and more – possible. Read our paper about the Blockchain technology to find out how it works and what it is about, and get our outlook on what might be possible in the near future.
Is your Company Ready for the Digital Age?
Digitalization is one of the essential drivers of change today, offering a unique chance to shape the future. The aviation industry will be reorganized within the next 5 to 10 years. Digitalization provides an opportunity to reduce operational costs and increase revenue through improved customer interaction. In times where airlines are hampered by slim margins, it is even more important to focus on new business models.
Digitalization combined with AI (Artificial Intelligence) and IoT (Internet of Things) will allow companies to rethink their processes – examples include dynamic network scheduling and interactions with the customer. Is your company ready for that digital progress? Read about new possibilities and innovations for customer experience and impacts on flight performance as well as the threats that come with digitalization.
Resistance in Connection with Change Management Projects at Airlines
Gone are the days when there was one large change every five years. Globalization and the intensification of competition are forcing organizations and companies to adapt more quickly, dynamically and flexibly to changing market conditions. The current business situation and circumstances feel necessity for companies to go through changes regularly if they want to persist competitive.
The aviation industry faces several unique challenges in terms of business processes and take-up of available technologies. There are numerous reasons for this, such as the historic relationships between national carriers and government, industry regulation, compliance and safety issues. Aviation consultancy PROLOGIS recently backed a survey that was undertaken to investigate current practices, challenges and solutions in change management within the airline industry. Over 34 airlines with different business models from all over the world participated in this survey and the results will be presented in this:
The Value of Strategic Partnerships for European Airlines – Staying Competitive and Increasing Growth
The EU has been dramatically losing direct and intercontinental air connections for some time now, costing the sector around 26,000 jobs across Europe and threatening many more. At the same time, networks of some Middle Eastern carriers from the Gulf have taken over a large part of European connections causing transfer traffic between Europe and especially India or Southeast Asia at EU hubs to drop by up to 50{315c398387f222edfbf496b305c11eb064aa5794865bcb38886d2175e1335740} in 2015 compared to 2005.
The main question is now how European carriers will react to the superiority from the Middle East to stay competitive? Are strategic partnerships like Interlining, Code Sharing or even Joint Venture agreements the answer to this and are they effective measures?
PROLOGIS has taken a closer look at the European airline measures and how effective they are in coping with these challenges. The paper contains official statistics and new analyses to show what is currently taking place and if there are certain trends which the European carriers are following.
2015 Aviation Market Monitor
The year 2015 in a nutshell: After many years of cost cutting and capacity cutbacks for American and European legacy carriers, the 2015 figures seem to suggest that better times are coming. Nevertheless, competition from the Middle East and Asia on the one hand, and from low-cost carriers such as Ryanair and easyJet on the other hand, is not abating, and these carriers continue to increase their market shares by expanding their flight and capacity offers. In the case of network airlines, this is also being done by investing in large and fuel-efficient aircraft such as the Airbus’ A380 and Boeing’s B787.
Putting NDC into Practice
IATA’s data standard NDC – the New Distribution Capability – continues to progress further with initial live implementations expected from 2016 on. But how can an airline actually deploy the new XML format? One could argue that facilitating NDC should not be too difficult: Just make sure that your current API is changed into an NDC XML API and you are ready to receive NDC content. Unfortunately, it is not that simple.
With this paper, PROLOGIS aims to provide an overview of the suggested technical reference architecture for an airline to facilitate NDC and to introduce some of the NDC technology providers with their product and service offerings.
NDC – Increased Diversity in Distribution: What is the Market’s Opinion on the New Data Transmission Standard?
New Distribution Capability – what exactly is this? When you search the Internet for NDC, there is an abundance of material – much of the information seeks to explain its theoretical concept. PROLOGIS, an international aviation consultancy with more than 50 clients in over 30 countries, wanted to get to know the market’s opinion and learn about the practical application of NDC. What are the opportunities and challenges of implementing this XML-based data standard according to the stakeholders? And to what extent are market participants already working on compatible solutions?
By conducting a comprehensive market survey, PROLOGIS examined how airlines, travel agencies, tour operators, consolidators, metasearchers as well as providers of distribution and travel technologies feel about the topic of NDC. download executive summary in English (or in German)
Email us to receive the entire study in English or in German.
Low-cost, long-haul – Flight of fancy or business of the future?
PROLOGIS has undertaken an analysis of the prospects for low-cost, long-haul operations in Europe. With this study, we hope to provide you with a better insight into the risk/opportunity profile of this business concept for European carriers…
The Market Conquest of Europe – A Growth Analysis of Ryanair, easyjet, Vueling Airlines and Norwegian Air Shuttle
It is, by now, common knowledge that Europe’s legacy carriers have largely lost out on the intracontinental air travel success story to Ryanair and easyJet. However, in a new turn of events, these two budget carriers are increasingly having to share the market with new rivals: By very effectively applying the hybrid carrier model, both Norwegian Air Shuttle and IAG (International Airlines Group) member Vueling Airlines are making great strides in the game of catch-up with the heavy-weights from Ireland and the UK – a development that does not leave even gargantuan Ryanair unaffected…
The Importance and Consequences of Ancillary Services to the Airline Industry
Airlines all over the world have realized the potential for generating additional revenue that is available to them by offering more legroom, faster boarding, or warm meals. These ancillary services offer revenue opportunities that are complimentary to the core business of transporting passengers, and are becoming an increasingly important contributor to airline profit margins…
LCCs using GDSs and Codeshares. A study on the increasing complexity of the LCC business model
The first low-cost carriers (LCCs) took an easy approach: They made the product ‘flight’ available to the most price-sensitive customers by following Porter’s generic strategy of cost leadership. But in order to continue to grow and operate profitably in a saturated market, many budget airlines have perceptibly changed their strategies by increasing complexity over the last few years…
Building a competitive advantage through PM
The economic meltdown in recent years has reinforced the importance of project management practices throughout all industries and the aviation segment is no stranger to this. Both smaller and larger airlines and organizational structures all over the world are looking to gain that elusive competitive advantage that can put them ahead or back into the game. PM is a proven approach to this challenge…
Blockchain – The Next Big Thing?
Ready for Takeoff? Why airlines are falling behind in the area of touristic sales
The market for touristic airlines has changed quite considerably over the last few years. In today’s deregulated environment, European leisure airlines are facing enormous competitive pressure and meeting many new competitors…
Are European Regionals’ successful days numbered?
33.33{315c398387f222edfbf496b305c11eb064aa5794865bcb38886d2175e1335740} of all regional carriers in Europe went out of business between 2008 and today, nearly one fourth of the employees lost their jobs. PROLOGIS and ch-aviation have scrutinized Europe’s regional airline market…
Middle East Carriers racing for world market share
An analysis of their network expansion strategies and the impact it is having on EU carriers
The New Uncertainty – How Terrorist Attacks Will Affect Travel and Tourism
The impact of terrorism on the travel and tourism industry can be enormous. It can lead to unemployment, homelessness, deflation and many other social and economic ills. But the sad truth is that the number of terrorist attacks world-wide has quadrupled since September 11, 2001. So it is a hard blow against the international economy due to the fact that the tourism sector accounts directly and indirectly for 9{315c398387f222edfbf496b305c11eb064aa5794865bcb38886d2175e1335740} of employment worldwide and 10{315c398387f222edfbf496b305c11eb064aa5794865bcb38886d2175e1335740} of the GDP. Not only tourism, but also associated touristic companies like airlines, tour operators and hotels suffer in particular when consistent terrorist attacks affect tourist’s decisions and when terrorist organization specifically target the travel and tourism industry. With this report including statistics, views and action possibilities, PROLOGIS presents a topic which affects the aviation and tourism industry deeply these days.